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Caring Hearts Community Day Center could be the key to your child mastering important skills, achieving better scores at school and becoming a happier, more confident learner. The dedicated teachers at Caring Hearts Community Day Center appreciate that each student learns in his or her own way and at his or her own pace. As a result, we develop customized learning plans for each student and ensure he or she learns in a way that is aligned with his or her skill level. Let us motivate and inspire your child. Services are free
Caring Hearts Community Day Center
At Caring Hearts Community Day Center, we take care to provide our Community with high quality services personalized for their unique needs. We are available to talk to you Monday - Friday 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. Our staff members are professional, courteous and efficient.
Senior Citizen
The focus of the Senior Citizen Program is to enable individuals to continue being an integral part of their community, while keeping their dignity and sense of well being. The goal of Caring Hearts Community Day Center is to enrich the lives of senior adults in Baton Rouge. Activities, programs, trips, etc. are all a vital part of this program.